2012 Atlanta Art on the Beltline - Year of the Dragon

photo: Jan Stittleburg
Concept - Sandra Hughes
Two powerful time periods inform and inspire the creation of this project – the Chinese Year of the Dragon, which began on January 22, 2012 as well as the annual late fall season celebrated world-wide by traditions such as Samhain in Ireland, Halloween in the United States and the Day of the Dead (El Dia de Los Muertos) in Mexico.

The magical, magnificent Dragon is the most powerful sign of the Chinese zodiac and heralds an exciting, “over the top” time period that invites and supports daring, passionate and deeply creative artistic processes and expressions. The Chinese Dragon is wildly generous, overly benevolent and extremely lucky. This protective and powerful Dragon can transform into any type of creature to overcome all challenges.
Artist Renderings - Michael Hickey

Each year during late October and early November powerful seasonal shifts are at work that move communities to connect, gather and enjoy themselves through parades, processions, festivals, celebrations and community art-making. Masks are especially utilized during this time of year to honor ancestors, animals, heroes, sheroes and other protective spirits.

Gateway’s artists will utilize these qualities and images to create a series of community art events and activities that focus on the transformational power of masks and the year 2012 coupled with the late fall season to align art and landscape with community gathering and celebration.
Project Events and Activities:

· Mask Performance (1) – Dragons, Angels & Other Protectors

· Visual Art Installation (1) - Water Dragon

· Community Dragon Parade (1)

· Community Workshops (2) Creating Dragon Masks for the Parade
Locations of Events and Activities:

· Mask Performance - Historic 4th Ward Park, Outdoor Amphitheatre

· Water Dragon Art Installation – Historic 4th Ward Park, on the Lake

· Community Dragon Parade – Historic 4th Ward Park, upper level and lower level paths.

· Community Dragon Mask Making Workshops – Free and Open to the Public. Children need to be accompanied by a participating adult. Offered in partnership with the Helene S. Mills Multipurpose Facility located in the Historic Old 4th Ward.
Dates and Times:
Performance and Parade
Date and Time : TBA  

Dates and Times: TBA
Creative Team:

· Sandra Hughes, Gateway Performance Productions – Project Direction, Concept & Design. Choreographer, Director & Performer. http://www.masktheater.org/Sandra_Hughes.html

· Michael Hickey, Gateway Performance Productions - Visual Artist for Installation, Masks, Mask Making Workshops, & Performer. http://www.masktheater.org/Michael_Hickey.html

· Peter Traina, Helene S. Mills Multipurpose Facility - Coordinator, Space and PR for Mask-making Workshops. The Chords/Guitar Band & Performer.

Peter Traina has been employed by the Fulton County Human Services Department’s Office of Aging as the Health and Fitness Coordinator at the Helene S. Mills Multipurpose Facility for the last decade. Located in the Historic Old Fourth Ward District in Atlanta, Georgia, the Mills Facility is a focal point in the community for the older adult population of Fulton County. Five years ago, Peter began to teach guitar classes at the Mills Facility. He later became one of the founding members of The Chords – a guitar band composed of his students, which also features electric bass, keyboard and flute. Peter’s background in the performing arts includes acting in television programs nationally and locally as well as performing in locally produced plays.

· The Chords/Guitar Band – Musicians (8-12), Music for the Dragon Parade, Senior Citizens from the Helene S. Mills Multipurpose Facility.

The Chords (a guitar band) performs at The Sweet Auburn Festival and for Older Americans Month Kick-off Events as well as other community-based events. Most recently (April 14, 2012) the group performed for the Global Humanitarian Summit at Emory University.

· Dancing Flowers for Peace – Performers (7-10) http://dancingflowersforpeace.wordpress.com/

· Edeliegba Bowden (Center) Senior African Dance Ensemble – Dancers and Drummers (8-12). Theresa Howard, Director. http://www.kennesaw.edu/theatre/bios2/t_howard.shtml 

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