In a small space, so many coffins

LAGAHOO: The creature takes on the form of a man with no head who roams the night with a wooden coffin on his neck. On top of the coffin are three lighted candles


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A Coffin—is a small Domain,
Yet able to contain
A Citizen of Paradise
In it diminished Plane.

A Grave—is a restricted Breadth—
Yet ampler than the Sun—
And all the Seas He populates
And Lands He looks upon

To Him who on its small Repose
Bestows a single Friend—
Circumference without Relief—
Or Estimate—or End—

Emily Dickinson

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On Monday 25 July, at 7 pm, Ebony G Patterson will present her work in progress 9 of 219 at Alice Yard, Woodbrook. Both installation and performance, the work will be a “bling” funeral using the Patterson's characteristic heavily decorated objects. Audience members are asked to participate by bringing candles to join in the vigil.

All are invited to the event which marks the start of Alice Yard's fifth year anniversary.

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MORE on the artist:

Born in Kingston in 1981, 
Ebony G. Patterson is a graduate of the Edna Manley College of the Visual and Performing Arts in Jamaica and Sam Fox College of Art and Design at Washington University, St. Louis. She is currently assistant professor in painting at the University of Kentucky. She has exhibited her work in several solo shows in Jamaica and the United States, most recently Ebony G. Patterson: On the Wall and in the Gallery at the Monique Meloche Gallery in Chicago; and in group shows including Wrestling with the Image: Caribbean Interventions at the Art Museum of the Americas, Washington, DC; the 2008 and 2010 Jamaica National Biennials;Rockstone and Bootheel: Contemporary West Indian Art at Real Art Ways, Hartford, Connecticut; the 2009 Ghetto Biennale in Port-au-Prince; and You Are Here at Fondation Clément in Martinique. One of her digital photographic works was included in Shot in Kingston at Alice Yard in September 2010
Alice Yard.

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