all that's left

Detail from Christopher Cozier's "all that's left"


Christopher Cozier. Open Studio.

Saturday, June 11; Sunday, June 12, 3 to 9 pm.

Three projects will be installed in Cozier's studio with related studies and drawings for sale:

• “Tropical Night” series, shown in “Infinite Island”, Brooklyn Museum, NY, and also in “Afro Modern” at the TATE Liverpool

• “Now Showing”, a silkscreen edition produced for the TTFF

• My latest silkscreen edition, “all that’s left,” launched by David Krut Projects, NY, and on view in “Fugitive Vision”

Please call 714-3609 for directions.


David Krut Projects is pleased to present Fugitive Vision, a group exhibition of works by Christiane Baumgartner, Christopher Cozier, Joseph Hart, Whitney McVeigh, Ryan and Trevor Oakes, Phil Sanders, Sara Sanders, and Mary Wafer.

The human eye continuously absorbs and categorizes an endless flow of visual information, encountering, simultaneously and unconsciously, objects in one’s path. We process this visual overload of masses, materials, and actions by forming connections between the external and ourselves. Our vision is always shifting, because the visible — as the Impressionists first understood, and the Cubists later expanded upon — is by nature, fugitive, and cannot be understood from a fixed perspective. The works in this exhibition explore the frameworks that surround and influence this subjective vision. Highlighting the interplay between sight and site, “Fugitive Vision” investigates the relationship between visual modes of perception and representation.

Christopher Cozier explores the confrontation between the sight of one’s body and the stratification of self, revealing embedded, prescribed notions of identity and masculinity. As a symbol of success and division, the rostrum appears in his drawings in various configurations, exposing the hierarchy of cultural identity as a production of a game or contest. Unoccupied, the symbol of the rostrum becomes an uninhabitable platform that pervades the pictorial space, questioning the commensurability between culturally-coded sight and a predetermined place.

Opens June 9, New York. 

FOR MORE info check here.

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