# St. Stephen's Cathedral, Bio-Structural Architecture by Liu Chien Sheng

In my last article about Alistair William's Monastery of Irrigation, I was referring among others, to Hernan Diaz Alonso's students' cathedral project in Angewandte (Vienna) so I thought that it would be interesting to publish one of them.
St. Stephen's Cathedral is a project designed by Liu Chien Sheng and demonstrates of a very rich work. Beyond the usual architectural vocabulary used by Diaz Alonso's studios, lies the real richness of space created by this student.
My regular readers might be surprised that I value this "suckerpunchy" project since I believe that a new architecture should be achieved by more than the simple revolution of its vocabulary. However, this project demonstrating a tremendous amount of work and rigorousness, I cannot help to veritably respect it, just like I respect and appreciate Mr. Diaz Alonso's sharpness and precision of discourse that he brings whenever he is invited to talk about architecture (for instance, recently invited at Pratt Institute's symposium Architecture and Beauty organized around Yael Reisner's new book)

St. Stepnen's Cathedral, Bio-Structural Architecture from Liu Chien Sheng on Vimeo.

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