# PALESTINIAN CHRONICLES /// The Wall in East Jerusalem (written on July17th)

I am in Palestine for two weeks (based in Ramallah) and I am thinking to update boiteaoutils on a daily basis about what I am observing from there.I spent my first day in East Jerusalem which was annexed by the Israeli Army in 1967. The separation wall is then built far away from what should be the legal border between Israel and the West Bank. This wall thus splits completely an arab district into two parts. At some point of the wall, not so far away from a group of arab houses, Israeli militaries (I discovered that too late not to be spotted !) are surveying the neighborhood from what seems to be a normal house...
The principle of this wall is as much to filter, control and prevent the movement of the Palestinian population as to claim a tremendous amount of land which attempts to include in the "Israeli territory" as many illegal settlements as possible.
nb: those pictures are taken from the "Israeli side" (even though as I wrote before it is not supposed to be an Israeli area).

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