# Israeli military customized Caterpillar D9

This is the most efficient weapon of the Israeli Army against the Palestinians: The Caterpillar D9, customized IDF way in order to be able to operate alone in the West Bank or in Gaza and not fearing the stones threw at it.
This customization is such a "success" that the American army bought a bunch of them back (Caterpillar is a Californian company) from the Israeli Army.
Whether it destroys Palestinian infrastructures or homes (which it does best), pierces Gaza's tunnels anti-blockade that join Egypt, or simply prepare the foundation of new illegal settlements in the West Bank, the D9 is the weapon that fit the best the way the Israeli State oppress the Palestinian People on a daily basis.

If you are interested in studying it more in details or including it in a narrative, you can download a detailed digital 3d file of the bulldozer (see the renderings below).

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