Paramaribo SPAN, Suriname

Detail of artist Ravi Rajcoomar's installation for the Paramaribo SPAN exhibition; Paramaribo, Suriname. Photos courtesy Nicholas Laughlin.

An important exhibition of contemporary art, curated by Trinidadian artist Christopher Cozier, this week opens in Paramaribo, Suriname.

The exhibition, which ARTSPUB blogger Richard Rawlins has described as "a bubbling, energetic, dynamic" runs from February 26 to March 14 and serves as a platform for young artists. It is part of a larger conversation about contemporary art and visual culture in Suriname, which has, of course resonance for the wider Caribbean given our similar histories.

According to the SPAN blog, "The project has three separate but interconnected platforms: an exhibition, which will open in Paramaribo in February 2010; a book to be published in three editions (Dutch, English, Portuguese); and a blog, which is at once a journal, an archive, and an independent creative undertaking.

The project is, in part, a culmination of the ArtRoPa initiative, a four-year series of exchanges between artists based in Paramaribo and Rotterdam, intended to promote creative dialogue between these very different locations which are nonetheless linked by elements of history, culture, and language."
Artist Dhiradj Ramsamoedj's project includes an installation of tin mugs that belonged to his grandmother, stenciled with her portrait. 

VISIT the SPAN blog hereREAD more here at the ARTSPUB website. 

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