# Street Packaging

Each product around us got its own use and it is destinated to this one purpose, but sometimes the simplest things create the more interesting results being corrupted by a new employment. The exemple of the cellpohane is pretty relevant, I would like to present the work of two talented graffity artist, and one street artist, two very interesting approach of the cellophane misuse : a graphic one and a three-dimensional one, both in an urban context .

Astro and Kanos, two members of the graffity crew ODV, are the creators of the Cellograff. This new style of street art/graffity, is a new way to paint in the street, painting with spray and being in an urban area, but getting out of the basic transgression cliché of illegal tagging.The Cellograff is more about to sharing an original piece of art and creating an ephemeral performance in an unexpected location than just writing a name. Following you can see few examples of their performances in the streets of Paris.

Cedric Bernadotte defines itself as a street artist, using the cellophane as a medium for a new urban practice, he's creating, with his installations, a new relation between the body and the urban context. With this material Bernadotte is changing the shapes of the streets, from concrete blocks to tense organic forms. Following few examples of some installations in the streets.

More about Cellograff : here
More about C.Bernadotte : here

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