# City of the (Re)Orientated by Ben and Sebastian

City of the (Re)Orientated is a very beautiful project created by Danish artists Ben and Sebastian (Ben Clement & Sebastian de la Cour) in 2007. I can feel the presence of two of my favorite authors here, Jorge-Luis Borges and Franz Kafka. Borges for the infinite material in which spring up several fantastic localities and Kafka for the endless wandering of a man who do not know how and why he woke up in this world...

Anyway, this is only my interpretation. The official text is very interesting and beautiful:

The 'map' has long been useless in a city whose streets are continually reshaped by their walkers, vendors, sponsors, hobby street artists and salvation-sellers. In this anthill of possibilities only the most elastic orientation software can direct the city's inhabitant through its myriad of shifting, tangled streets.
As more private dwellings of the city connect to this mobile space, more public parks, institution and cinemas protect themselves from mobile invasion.
Two interdependent territories grow back to back, simultaneously:
The first, a mobile, shifting space is allowed and continually reshaped by the new technologies. A space intent on becoming more stimulating, responsive and distracting.
In the shadows of the mobile territory, grow the immobile spaces. They become ever more out-of-reception and are intent on appealing to the focused eye.

photos by Niclas Jessen

thanks Martin (B)

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