# Manhattan Oneirocritica by Fredrik Hellberg

Koolhaas wrote the "retrospective Manhattan manifesto" with Delirious New York, Fredrik Hellberg could be said to design a nostalgic vision of the future.
Here is the text he wrote associated to the project :
Manhattan Oneirocritica
AA Inter 6 2007- 2008
Tutors: Alistair Gill & Veronika Schmid
This project visualizes the unbuilt twentieth-century visionary projects for Manhattan. It was generated through a quest to explore spatial languages that goes beyond the material and into the deep oceans of the mind, imagination, thought, meditation, fantasy, spirituality, psychedelic journeys and the dream. The language of the project is that of dreams: a state where the mind itself creates the space while perceiving it. To explore the world of dreams is to debate the logic of your own mind and universe.