# What is the goal of French Ministry of National Identity ?

What is the French Ministry of National Identity really about ? This part of the Immigration ministry pretend to promote French Identity... But what the f... is this identity ?
Here is the official text written on the official site about the ministry's goal:

4. Promouvoir notre identité. L’identité française est à la fois l’héritage de notre histoire et l’avenir de notre communauté nationale. La Constitution de la Ve République, à son article premier, affirme que "la France est une République indivisible, laïque, démocratique et sociale. Elle assure l’égalité devant la loi de tous les citoyens sans distinction d’origine, de race ou de religion". La promotion de notre identité est une réponse aux communautarismes et vise à préserver l’équilibre de notre Nation. L’immigration, l’intégration et l’identité nationale sont complémentaires. Elles sont même intimement liées. C’est parce que la France a une identité propre dont elle peut être fière qu’elle a les moyens d’intégrer des immigrés qui respectent nos valeurs et qu’elle peut organiser de façon sereine l’immigration. Telle est l’ambition de ce nouveau ministère : lutter contre l’immigration irrégulière, organiser l’immigration légale en favorisant le développement des pays d’origine afin de réussir l’intégration et de conforter l’identité de notre Nation.

translation: To promote our identity. French identity is both the heritage of our history and the future of our national community. Vth Republic's Constitution, in its first article, affirms that France is an indivisible republic, secular, democratic and social. It ensures amongst the law the equality of every citizen not matter their origins, their race or their religion. Our identity's promotion is an answer to communautarism and tend to preserve our Nation's equilibrium. Immigration, integration and national identity are complementary. They are even absolutely linked to each others. It is because France has its own identity that it can be proud to have the means of integration of migrants who respect our values and that it can organize immigration in a tranquil way. That is this new ministry's ambition, to fight against irregular immigration, to organize legal immigration by favoring the origin countries' development in order to succeed the integration and to comfort our Nation's identity.

For those who did not threw up yet, you can read a former article I wrote back in January about Edouard Glissant and Patrick Chamoiseau's great article they wrote in reaction of the creation of this ministry by Sarkozy's government (first by Brice Hortefeux, then by Eric Bresson).

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