# Imagining Recovery by Eduardo McIntosh

Eduardo McInstosh (whose former work has been already published here and here on boiteaoutils) kindly sent me his last work which was his entry to the Imagining Recovery Competition. This time architecture is used as self-metaphor of an existing Plato's cave system and a fictional one both assumed as keeping their statute of "prisons". Nevertheless one imply a difficult active involvement of its actors who are invited to participate to act in the field of possible just like Borges describes it in the Babel Library.

As I told him, I just have a little discrepancy of opinion as far as the "Beaubourg effect" is concerned. As a former post was showing, thirty years after its construction Pompidou Centre is still hated by a lot of people in France and its presence within Paris' core is a continual question about architecture, art, public space and urbanity.

However I really egg you on reading the whole text, because it tackles some issues which may be less politically correct in a era which is trying to impose ecology and mediatization as architectural dogmas...

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