# Perret Brothers in Le Raincy

After visiting Le Havre, I felt obliged to go to Le Raincy (Seine Saint Denis - Paris' suburbs) in order to see Notre Dame de la Consolation Church also designed by Auguste Perret and his two brothers Gustave and Claude, fifty years before the incredible Saint Claude Church in Le Havre (see older post). In fact Notre Dame du Raincy was constructed in 1922 in order to represent an homage to La Marne Battle's (1916) casualties. It was by then the first religious building designed by Perret's office and in order to make the construction happen, the office even had to put some money into it !
Thanks to the slightly conic posts, facades are not structural and are allowed to receive Marguerite Huré's (same than in Saint Joseph) stained glass. Ceiling crowns are very unusal and structuraly rational.
It definitely worth it to cover the 20km between Paris and Le Raincy to visit it !

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