About the Author
GINA is an artist who discovered poetry in 2005.. She lives in Tasmania, Australia with a cat, 2 peacocks and a few outdoor fish in a garden where tomatoes are supported by rose bushes and various peppers grow as colourful shapes in their own right among summer perennials. Over 50 poems of Gina's can be found in various publications such as LYNX, Modern English Tanka, Moonset, Paperwasp, Ribbons, Simply Haiku and the Herons Nest.

Blazing Heat
Blazing Heat


swimming into the shade its shadow follows


they shriek with seagulls wading in a rock pool


you, snowflakebearded you
smile there forever
in stainless steel light

beneath an impossibly-blue sky
your eyes follow me
and i move just off-frame

hoping you will
step out of the paper
and kiss me, sometimes

in this tranquil room, i wonder
if a morning will come
when i dont think about you

as memories are all
i have to hold and when
absence inhabits

me, becoming
too much to bear you are turned
in a handful of silence
to face the crack in the wall

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