Guidelines, terms and rules

Thinking of submitting?

We don't care how you send it. Your work will be accepted whether it's within the body of an email, or as an attachment. You can even send it via snail mail if you're gifted with patience.


Submissions will only be answered by e-mail. Burst can't be responsible for lost or misdirected mail. If we haven't replied within one month, please remind us.

See our preferred formats below↓

What do we need?

For all first time applicants we require a short bio. Yes we know some of you would rather poke your eyes out, but we're betting you'll live. We're not into the who's who thing and this isn't a competition. A life story would probably bore us. So send us a quick tally of the basics such as your name, some interests, any previous publishing information you might have hanging around, and if you're really inspired -- a bit about what art means to you.

Upon acceptance

Burst acquires one-time and non-exclusive anthology rights. What that means in English is -- rights revert back to the individual creator of any piece, or work, but we keep an option to publish the work, whole or in part, in a future electronic edition of Bust. This agreement is a given unless otherwise negotiated between the author and publisher at time of acceptance.

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