Showing posts from March, 2011
First lines of the books up for the Bocas Lit Prize 2011
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A Nobel laureate, a MacArthur "genius" fellow and a first-time author are all shortlisted for the Bocas Prize for Caribbean Literature, the winner of which is to be announced during the first ever Bocas Literary Festival to be held in Trinidad this April. Here are the first lines from the three books shortlisted from Edwidge Danticat, Nobel laureate Derek Walcott and first-time author Tiphanie Yanique: * * * >>>EDWIDGE DANTICAT : Create Dangerously: The Immigrant Artist at Work (Princeton University Press, 208 pp.) On November 12, 1964, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, a huge crowd gathered to witness an execution. The president of Haiti at that time was the dictator Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier, who was seven years into what would be a fifteen-year term. On the day of the execution, he decreed that government offices be closed so that hundreds of state employees could be in the crowd. Schools were shut down and principals ordered to bring their students. Hundreds...
Martial Arts & Yoga with Allen Pittman in Europe - May & June 2011
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Wisdom of the Body presents " The Scythian Path Tour - 2011" Harnessing the best of the East and West Yoga, Martial Arts and Conditioning as related to the needs of 2012. Allen Pittman Lineage holder of Chen Pan-ling, Chang Chuen-feng Student of Tim Geoghegan Bodyguard to the Dalai lama May 7/8 London May 10-12 Manchester (Lake District) May 14/15 Brest May 21/22 Paris May 28/29 Zurich June 4/5 Rome Contacts London-Andrew Hunter: Lake District- John Bolwell: Brest/Paris-Erwan Cloarec: Zurich-Stefan Marced: Rome-Luigi Zanni:
The New Gulliver / Новый Гулливер (1935)
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In The New Gulliver, a 1935 film by Soviet animator and director Alexander Ptushko, a young Pioneer from the Stalin era falls asleep during a group outing and dreams himself into the role of Jonathan Swift’s hero. Escaping from a band of comic-opera pirates, he washes ashore on Lilliput, where he tolerantly submits to being tied up and is made the guest of honor at a feast. Before waking up and returning to reality, the young revolutionary helps Lilliput’s workers overthrow their decadent monarchical rulers. The Lilliputians are played by hundreds of small puppets animated in stop-motion; their activities give this film its main interest. The idiot king, who speaks in a high-pitched voice, is presentable in public only thanks to a wily stooge who controls a phonograph that plays stock ceremonial phrases for the king to lip-synch to. During a musical number, a row of identical Lilliput women wear unchanging expressions of wide-mouthed stupefaction. Although the film was apparently a suc...
The New Gulliver / Новый Гулливер (1935)
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In The New Gulliver, a 1935 film by Soviet animator and director Alexander Ptushko, a young Pioneer from the Stalin era falls asleep during a group outing and dreams himself into the role of Jonathan Swift’s hero. Escaping from a band of comic-opera pirates, he washes ashore on Lilliput, where he tolerantly submits to being tied up and is made the guest of honor at a feast. Before waking up and returning to reality, the young revolutionary helps Lilliput’s workers overthrow their decadent monarchical rulers. The Lilliputians are played by hundreds of small puppets animated in stop-motion; their activities give this film its main interest. The idiot king, who speaks in a high-pitched voice, is presentable in public only thanks to a wily stooge who controls a phonograph that plays stock ceremonial phrases for the king to lip-synch to. During a musical number, a row of identical Lilliput women wear unchanging expressions of wide-mouthed stupefaction. Although the film was apparently a suc...
Martial Arts - Allen Pittman - Wed., March 23
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Allen Pittman with Students @ The Mask Center Photo: Mitch Birnbaum Allen Pittman Martial Arts Workshops Wednesday, March 23 Session One 7-8 pm Wisdom of the Body for Men and Women 1. - The essential history of the path of humanity to adulthood - infant movements and animal movements to standing human. 2. - Basic Egyptian Yoga Session Two 8-9 pm Amazon Dance for Women Only 3.- Archetypal Movements and Speaking Phrases "All three sections … together represent the path of the human being into our present time." Allen Pittman Location The Mask Center Little Five Points Community Center 1083 Austin Avenue Ground Floor Atlanta, Georgia 30307 Free Parking No Set Fee Donations Encouraged I Information 404 222 9262
Meet the Artist - Jerilynn Bedingfield - Performer and Master Gardener
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Jerilynnn Bedingfield Photo: Sandra Hughes Jerilynn Bedingfield is a principal performer with Gateway Performance Productions. She currently portrays the character Honey Bee in the company's new touring productions - Honeybees Are Important! for family audiences and the school version of this production. Jerilynn's an international and national performer for Gateway whose passion for gardening makes her uniquely qualified to understand and portray the character of Honey Bee and to offer garden related workshops and residencies in conjunction with these performances. Jerilynn says, Let's learn basic skills to help design a pollinator's garden to attract the beneficial insects that are important to our environment. Let's build a pollinator's garden and learn about good soil quality and compost as we prepare the soil to plant plants that attract the pollinators. Then let's plant a variety of mostly ...
Alicia's site
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* * Alicia says of 1): This body of work was specifically created for the joint show Line and Colour at the Gallery, Caribbean Art Project in Grenada.The work continues to explore ideas about the box, introduced in previous works. I am very interested in the physical and mental boxes we allow ourselves to be in. Shifting from the idea that they are imposed by others and acknowledging that they are to a great extent self inflicted. I find myself constantly considering being in and out of these boxes. Of 2): This project stemmed from an interest in using the human body to make art; the body as the medium of the work as opposed to the maker of the work. I began an inquiry into my body and the ways I was comfortable and uncomfortable using it. The core issues (for me) that impact ones comfort level in exposing the body inevitably surfaced (to my dissatisfaction). These issues are what gave the work it's strength. There are strong references to family and religion and for me they...
I think I just smurf'd in my mouth
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No words can describe this. Perhaps: The horror! The horror! Neil Patrick Harris (Dr Dougie Houser) will never recover from this. There is even a 3-D Gargamel: It all gets the tagline: "This summer, our turf gets smurf'd". Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me: thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
The ideal marriage
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Two figures (likely male, though possibly female) are upside-down. They wear t-shirts (or are they robes? Kurtas?) that hang with v-shaped necklines over their chests. On closer inspection, the 'v's are more like arches that look something like this { as opposed to < (or rather ^). The two arches that serve as necklines are, on closer inspection, also different. One is slightly pointed (or more pointed, more pointedly). One arch is arguably Muslim in style (though I will not vouch for this), the other is possibly Hindu or Christian. One is filled with silver glitter, the other gold. This is a description of the kind of play that happens when you encounter a piece in The Ideal Marriage , a new exhibition by Ashraph at Y Art and Framing Gallery at 26 Taylor Street, Woodbrook. The piece described above is completed with two drawings of the same arches meeting at the bottom of the canvas with a small circle (ring, eye, egg) inside. The show, said to be in the works for "a c...
Moving from an idea to a deconstruction
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The Quarto Player, photo courtesy CarnivalMix blog. If You Say So : Jackie Hinkson at Softbox Studios, 9 Alcazar Street, St Clair, Trinidad, from February 16 to March 16. If You Say So is an exhibition of more than a decade's worth of sculpture by Jackie Hinkson. FROM MR HINKSON: "This project has been an exciting challenge for me, one that has tested my powers of discipline and perseverance in a way very different from, let's say, watercolour. "I had considerable difficulty in establishing the proportions of my envisaged forms because the wood I used, cedar, has an outer ring of unusable sap and it was only after I had started working the figure and removing the sap that I could be reasonably sure of my final proportions. This uncertainty sometimes resulted in unexpectedly elongated forms. "Happily, I was able to exploit this distortion to elicit greater emotional expressiveness. Distortion can be a powerful tool in visual expression...I cannot over-emphasize...
Honeybees Are Important! - Available for Touring
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Honeybees are Important! written and directed by Sandra Hughes was performed by Gateway Performance Productions in Atlanta, Georgia on February 25th. The production was presented by Young Audiences at the Woodruff Arts Center. Principal performer and master gardener Jerilynn Bedingfield portrays an Italian Honey Bee. Italian honeybees are favorites of beekeepers in the USA. Honey Bee is in trouble! Comic characters from the Italian Commedia del' Arte Theatre - Michael Hickey as Arlequino and Sandra Hughes as Columbina - are determined to do everything they can to help Honey Bee stay healthy and able to pollinate to keep all the delicious, nutritious foods she makes possible in their diet... Photos: Bunny Vrooman ... and in their beloved chicken Sylvia's diet as well. Sylvia is portrayed by Fieldtrip- a particularly gentle chicken who lives at Oakhurst Community Garden in Decatur, Geor...
The food at Chaud Creole; Buzo
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IF A SINGLE dish can define a restaurant, then for Chaud Creole it must be the corn soup. This is not corn soup as you know it. This is corn soup broken down, post-modern style, analysed and reassembled into something fun, fresh and completely unexpected once plated in front of you. Corn soup purists everywhere may be slightly alarmed at this. But they have no reason to fear. Here is a soup where the solid ingredients (silky dumplings, christophine, potato and vegetables) have been uprooted, revived through their exile and then re-introduced to the corny goodness. The vegetables were cooked separately, plated and then the corn-soup itself thrown over them like a ridiculously rich sauce. This allowed each ingredient to maintain its integrity; for flavours to pop in the maize stew and, thus, avoided the sometimes bland melding together that tends to happen in a long-gestating broth. It was absolute genius to have this dish unfold. Here was a traditional local dish, re-invented in a way ...
'So this is permanence; love-shattered pride'
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There is going to be a special screening this Thursday at Studiofilmclub of Control (2007), with the film's director, Anton Corbijn, present. Corbijn is best known for his iconic, black-and-white portrait photographs of musicians such as the Rolling Stones, Miles Davis and Bruce Springsteen. He has also made music videos for the likes of U2 and Depeche Mode. Control , a multiple prize-winner at the Cannes Film Festival, is the story of the late Ian Curtis, singer for the short-lived but highly acclaimed late-'70s Manchester rock group Joy Division. Sam Riley (who stars in the new film adaptation of Brighton Rock ) takes on the role of Curtis, while Samantha Morton ( In America , Elizabeth: The Golden Age ) plays his wife, Deborah Curtis. Following the screening I will moderate a q+a session with Corbijn. After the film the band jointpop, who this year are celebrating their fifteenth anniversary, will play a short set of some of their best-loved songs. All this happens at SFC (B...
Dimanche Gras 2011 wrap-up
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In case you missed it--yes I can hear the snarky retort to this statement now in my head: who would regret missing such an annual torture-fest ?--here's a wrap up of what went down at the Big Stage at the Queen's Park Savannah from 6pm on Sunday to 2.30pm this morning (Monday): LOTS OF QUEENS Although the supposed Road March contender "Advantage" by Machel Montano advises one to stamp, trample and mash-up the stage, the Queens of the Bands didn't get the memo. Instead, one by one, the stage trampled them. The very first contestant (Jayle Marcano, with a presentation called 'D' Ruby Brooch ((you must remember that for Kings and Queens the definitive article is shortened to d to prove the costume is local, and then capitalised into a D and placed in 'D' for smug fit, annually))) got entangled in a TV camera crane. These costumes cost thousands and while I don't want to be insensitive, it was funny as hell. The crane kept on bobbing up and down an...
'Death, you’re vain; incurable'
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This month, TATE ETC. in collaboration with Eggbox Publishing brings you Vahni Capildeo's poem 'Death' based on J M W Turner's work Death on a Pale Horse . Is this really you? Riding for a fall? The cataloguers are unsure it’s not just some other horseman — I want it to be really you. So long as I can tell rose from fire, love from sickness, word from dust. I am tender of you. READ full poem at Tate website here . CHECK out more on Vahni Capildeo here and on the publishers of her latest book here .
Walcott, Kei Miller, Yanique up for prizes
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FROM THE ORGANISERS: Ten writers representing six different countries are in the running for the mewly-established 2011 Bocas Prize for Caribbean Literature. The prize longlist, announced by the judges on 28 February, 2011, includes three books of poetry, four of fiction, and three of non-fiction. The writers range from Nobel laureates to debut authors. In the poetry category, the three contenders are all extended meditations on themes of memory, loss, and hope. Kamau Brathwaite’s elegiac and typographically complex Elegguas joins Kei Miller’s uplifting collection A Light Song of Light and Nobel laureate Derek Walcott’s White Egrets , which muses over age and mortality. Three novels and a book of short fiction vie in the fiction category. Myriam Chancy’s The Loneliness of Angels , steeped in Haitian history, charts human connections across gulfs of time and space. Karen Lord’s Redemption in Indigo , inspired by a Senegalese folktale, plays with the conventions of traditional storytel...
Gospel Hour Sun. March 13 @ The MASK Center
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The Johnson Party is ramping up to perform their 3rd monthly Gospel Hour on Sunday March 13th, 5:00pm. Come on down to The Mask Center located in the Little 5 Points Community Center at the corner of Euclid and Austin Avenues in Inman Park, (1083 Austin Ave, Atlanta, GA 30307) for Atlanta's very first non-sectarian non-traditional gospel hour of eclectic wanderlust music. You can sing along if you’d like or just listen and stomp your feet at this Sunday alternative (or adjunct to) traditional church going. The 7-piece ensemble will be playing upbeat tunes with spiritual themes. Listeners can expect to hear folk, reggae, Appalachian spirituals, 70's soul, pop, rock and roll, original music and more. The show is free to all, but donations are encouraged for the host location, The Mask Center. Featuring: Tom Spach (Bass, Vocals), Kerry Lance (Vocals, Percussion), John Hill (Electric Guitar, Mandotar, Sitarar, Banjitar, Vocals), Justin Duff (Sax, Vocals, Guitar), Erik Johnson (Gu...